
Showing posts from February, 2020

Measles – Treatment, Causes & Symptoms

Measles is a viral infection very common in children of all ages, but mainly under 5 years.   It is a highly infectious viral condition, causing a maculo popular rash. It generally occurs between the month of february to april, which are epidemic seasons for measles but can occur throughout the year. Initially characterized by high grade fever, red runny eyes, runny nose, for one or two days. The   typical koplik spots in the buccal    mucosa are diagnostic but can only be seen by a doctor. The rash starts behind the ears and on the face. Red spots around 1-2 cm start appearing. This is known as macula-papular rash. It then spreads to the body, upper arms and by the 4 th or 5 th day it spreads to the lower limbs. As the rash appears on the lower limbs, it starts vanishing from the face. However, the rash does not disappear completely, but leaves behind a blotchy appearance. Turning dark brown and takes about 10 days to go away completely. The fev...