Pyrexia of Unknown Origin
Pyrexia of unknown Origin means fever more than 100 F in a child for more than 14 days for which no cause can be found. It can occur in any child whose fever is not settling down with the usual medicines and no focus of infection is found on physical examination. According to Dr Mubina Agboatwalla – child specialist in Karachi , the common causes of fever include respiratory viral and bacterial infections, typhoid, malaria, dengue, viral and bacterial gastrointestinal infections. Meningitis and encephalitis as well as urinary tract infections. In addition, osteomyelitis and rheumatoid arthritis and septic arthritis need to be considered. Further investigations need to include auto immune disorders, rare viral infections, other SARS infections. Blood culture plays a very important role in diagnosis often overlooked due to common use of antibiotics.