
Showing posts from January, 2023

Q/A session with Dr Mubina Agboatwalla

  Q.   My 3 month old infant takes out milk after every feed. What should I Do???? A. If the infant takes out milk after every feed, it is probably due to reflux. This is because the sphincter between the stomach and oesphagus is a bit loose and the milk regurgitates back. This is known as gastro oesophageal reflux. The management is to keep the baby at an angle of 45 degrees with the head in the up position. This should be done for 24 hours. There is a special milk known as AR (Anti Reflux) milk. This helps to prevent reflux. This milk should be started and continued for a few months. With time by 10 months to 1 year of age the reflux resolves by itself. You can then switch to regular milk.   Website Link: