
Showing posts from 2020

Nausea and Vomiting – Common Causes and Treatment.

Vomiting is a common complaint in children. It can occur in any age and the reasons maybe different. In neonates vomiting may be in the form of undigested milk or curd. Undigested milk comes out within 1-15 minutes after feeding and occurs if proper burping does not take place or there is a condition called oesophageal reflux. Whereby, the milk comes out of the stomach because the sphincter between the stomach and oesophagus is weak. In older children the most common cause of vomiting is part of gastroenteritis or food poisoning. Infection of the gastrointestinal tract due to any reason causes vomiting and diarrhea. According to Dr. Mubina Agboatwalla - A Child Specialist in Karachi , vomiting is more dangerous than simple diarrhea as the child cannot retain fluid and vomits out everything, leading to dehydration. Other causes of vomiting include obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract due to any reason. This is a surgical emergency. The vomiting is watery and effortless. In these ...

Influenza (flu) causes, symptoms and treatment

Influenza is also known as flu is the most common illness in winter. With the onset of winter children generally develop runny nose or blocked nose. Watery eyes. Post nasal drip at the back of the nose, falling in the throat leads to night cough. The eyes may be red. The child develops temperature around 100F or sometimes more. The child is irritable and cranky. There is accompanying cough which may be productive. The voice may become hoarse. Initially stuffy nose maybe followed by a blocked nose, flu maybe caused by any of the influenza virus strains. Treatment depends on the severity of the condition. Initially any paracetamol syrup accompanied by an anti allergic should be given. Nasal drops are important. According to Dr. Mubina Agboatwalla a Child Specialist in Karachi , steam inhalation should be done twice a day. If needed simple nebulization with normal saline should be done. The symptoms should subside in 3 days or so. However, if the fever increases and the respiratory symp...

Cellulitis – Symptoms and Treatment

  Cellulitis is a condition characterized by swelling and infection in any area of the skin. The infection occurs mainly in soft tissue areas. It may occur around the eyes, orbital cellulitis, on the palm, on the upper part of the palm, on the buttocks or anywhere on the skin. It generally starts as a small boil, or an insect bite or a cut. The child generally scratches it and infection sets in. The area initially becomes red and hot. The child develops fever. There is pain in the area. The area becomes tender to touch and gets swollen. In case of orbital cellulitis, the whole eye becomes swollen. The eye is surrounded by a red area. It is extremely painful and there is associated headache. In case of the hand there is difficulty in moving the hand. Gradually the infection starts to spread.   According to Dr. Mubina Agboatwalla – A child specialist in Karachi , If not controlled then pus starts to develop and the cellulitis may turn into an abscess. In the early stages antib...


Chicken Pox is a vesico popular rash caused by varicella. It occurs in children of any age, but mainly under five years of age. Initially there is high grade fever lasting for one to two days. This is followed by runny nose, cough and flu like symptoms. This is followed by a rash. The rash comprises of small discrete reddish raised areas, these are then filled with a fluid (papules) like small boils. They first start appearing on the abdomen and back. The trunk is initially involved. This is followed by spread to the arms and legs. By day 4 and 5 it spreads to face also. As new lesions appear the older lesions dry up and start to disappear. Some papules may get infected and develop pus. The fever remains high and there is itching. The child is very restless. The papules occur in the mouth also. They may produce ulcers and the child feels pain on eating. Generally, the lesions subside by one week. The fever disappears after 6 days. There may be slight cough and runny nose.   However...

Kawasaki Disease

Kawasaki Disease occurs mainly in children characterized by inflammation of medium sized arteries throughout the body. The inflammation affects the coronary arteries, the arteries supplying the heart muscles. Also known as muco cutaneous lymph gland syndrome as the lymph glands around the skin and the mucous membranes around the mouth swell. Initially, there is high grade fever, red eyes, rash on the body, red tongue, cracked lips, swollen red skin on the palms with peeling of skin. This may be followed by diarrhea, vomiting. There is accompanied joint pains. In very rare cases Corona infection may be followed by Kawasaki Disease. Boys under 5 years of age are more likely to get affected. According to  Dr. Mubina Agboatwalla a child specialist in Karachi , complications include inflammation of the coronary arteries that supply the heart, inflammation of the heart muscles or inflammation of heart valves. Inflammation of the coronary arteries can lead to weakening of the ar...

Corona Virus Prevention

In these times of fears of corona virus assuming alarming panendemic proportions it is important to separate facts from myths and misinformation. There is information circulating on social media regarding the presence of hundreds of cases in certain hospitals. Actually, these are the people visiting filter clinics where a doctor examines them clinically if they have flu, cough or runny nose; and if they have been in contact with a corona virus case. If necessary a sample is sent for case confirmation, Otherwise, only symptomatic treatment is given. This does not make it a case of corona. Children are generally not affected. Only 2.4 % of children under 19 years are affected and the disease is generally mild. Severe disease occurs in 0.9% children. But none the less they are agents of transmission and preventive measures are a must. Masks are not necessary and should generally be used for corona virus patients. According to Dr. Mubina Agboatwalla a child specialist in Ka...

Measles – Treatment, Causes & Symptoms

Measles is a viral infection very common in children of all ages, but mainly under 5 years.   It is a highly infectious viral condition, causing a maculo popular rash. It generally occurs between the month of february to april, which are epidemic seasons for measles but can occur throughout the year. Initially characterized by high grade fever, red runny eyes, runny nose, for one or two days. The   typical koplik spots in the buccal    mucosa are diagnostic but can only be seen by a doctor. The rash starts behind the ears and on the face. Red spots around 1-2 cm start appearing. This is known as macula-papular rash. It then spreads to the body, upper arms and by the 4 th or 5 th day it spreads to the lower limbs. As the rash appears on the lower limbs, it starts vanishing from the face. However, the rash does not disappear completely, but leaves behind a blotchy appearance. Turning dark brown and takes about 10 days to go away completely. The fev...

Eye Infections in infants and children.

Eye infections in children are common. In the new born eye infections are more than common. This is due to vaginal secretions getting in the eye during delivery. There is a sticky discharge specially when the baby gets up after sleeping. Neonatal eye infections should    immediately be shown to the doctor as they take a bit longer to heal. Antibiotic eye drops should be given for 10 days at least. In older children eye infections occur because either the child touches something dirty and then rubs the eyes, or another child in school has an eye infection and children tend to share pencil, books etc. Or it may be that the water is dirty and contaminated; washing the face and eye with this water can lead to eye infections. Swimming in dirty, contaminated water can also lead to eye infections. Stye is another painful infection of the eyelid, according to Dr. Mubina Agboatwalla – A Child Specialist in Karachi ; it is a painful swelling at the base of the eyelid caused ...

Allergies - Remedies & Prevention

The onset of winter heralds different types of allergies. The allergies generally affect the respiratory system.   There maybe runny nose, with the child having continuous watery discharge. In some cases, there maybe superadded bacterial infection and the discharge becomes yellow and pussy. This may lead to a blocked nose and the child has difficulty sleeping at night. There may be associated post nasal drip which may lead to night irritating cough. In severe cases, there maybe sinusitis. There maybe red eyes with a watery discharge. In other cases, there maybe bronchospasm. This leads to a dry hacking cough. The cough can occur anytime of the day, but especially at night. Sometimes even to the extent where the child cannot even sleep because of coughing. This may progress to increased respiratory rate and wheezing in some cases. The wheezing maybe quite severe and the child may develop asthmaticus breathing. According to Dr. Mubina Agboatwalla – A Child Specialist in Karachi...