Chicken Pox is a vesico popular rash caused by varicella. It occurs in children of any age, but mainly under five years of age. Initially there is high grade fever lasting for one to two days. This is followed by runny nose, cough and flu like symptoms. This is followed by a rash. The rash comprises of small discrete reddish raised areas, these are then filled with a fluid (papules) like small boils. They first start appearing on the abdomen and back. The trunk is initially involved. This is followed by spread to the arms and legs. By day 4 and 5 it spreads to face also. As new lesions appear the older lesions dry up and start to disappear. Some papules may get infected and develop pus. The fever remains high and there is itching. The child is very restless. The papules occur in the mouth also. They may produce ulcers and the child feels pain on eating. Generally, the lesions subside by one week. The fever disappears after 6 days. There may be slight cough and runny nose.

 However, in some cases there maybe associated chest infections. According to Dr. Mubina Agboagtwalla Child Specialist in Karachi, cough increases, respiratory infections develop and there maybe associated pneumonia or bronchitis. In other cases the child may develop diarrhoea, vomiting. Associated gastroenteritis, in some cases the infection may spread to the brain causing encephalitis. However, this is rare. The complications need to be treated as they appear. As the lesions become infected, antibiotic cream has to be applied. As such chicken pox is self limiting. However, prevention is very important and varicella (Chicken pox) vaccine needs to be administered at one year of age. 


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