Ear Pain in Kids

Ear Pain is common in children and can be quite painful for the child. It can be due to number of reasons. Simple ear infection is also known as otitis media. It causes redness of the ear drum. In young infants who are breast feeding or on milk are more liable to develop ear infections. The Eustachian tube is very narrow and milk flows from the oral cavity to the middle ear cavity. Infection of the throat can spread to the ears. If the infection persists pus develops, the ear membrane is broken and pus is discharged outside. This condition needs urgent attention. 

According to Dr Mubina Agboatwalla - Child Specialist in Karachi, use of antibiotics and drainage of pus. Sometimes a foreign body gets stuck in the ear canal of the external ear. AS the child tries to remove it, it goes in even further. This leads to further pain. And infection can set in too. Excessive wax production can block the ear and cause pain and irritation. Ear pain should not just be treated with ear drops but the cause has to be treated.


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