Abscess in Children: Symptoms and Treatment.
Abscess basically means a localized collection of pus.Abscess can occur anywhere in the body. It can occur in the skin or subcutaneous tissue when it is visible and painful. It can occur in the body organs when it is not visible but can give rise to generalized symptoms. It can occur under the skin after an injury, bruise or injury. There is generalized fever, pain at the site of the abscess, redness over the skin, the area is hot to touch and becomes tense. It commonly occurs where there is space e.g. Surface of hands, palm, foot, buttocks or where there is fat tissue.
Internal body abscess is more complicated. According to Dr, Mubina Agboatwalla - A Child Specialist in Karachi, depending upon its location the symptoms vary. In all cases there is generalized fever. In lung abscess there may be coughing, with sputum, difficulty in breathing. In liver abscess, pain in upper abdomen, vomiting. In kidney abscess there are urinary symptoms. In such cases diagnosis is based on X ray and MRI. Treatment in all cases is initially antibiotic therapy, which in case of internal organs is intravenous. If it resolves, otherwise the abscess has to be drained. In case of skin, it pretty simple including cutting and drainage. In case of internal organs ultrasound guided needle drainage.
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